Hello, Nice to meet you

W e b   &   M o b i l e   &   T h r e e . j   W e b G L  
D e v e l o p e r

Senior React | Vue | Angular | TypeScript
            Three.js | Web3JS | ChatGPT Developer

My main specialization is a full Stack development of rich Web APP, Mobile APP, based on a JavaScript stack of technologies with the 2D, 3D Animation using the Three.js, WebGL, GLSL AR/VR with 6+ years of experience. Based on my previous experience and modern trends in the development world, I can tell you with confidence. To become a superb frontend developer and support the best qualities, and satisfaction to the clients with honestly, constant creation, and passion: it's our principle as a web expert. Ready to take any kind of challenges in any situation. Always make sure of the quick turnaround of my job as I never disappoint any of my clients. Expert enough to manage any kind of job environment by coming up with my multitasking expertise. Always try to learn new things and update the previous knowledge. Confident to carry the tasks efficiently and accurately. Committed to the clients and always focus on their respectable needs. Work with 100% client's satisfaction.



Three.js | WebGL


Web Development

6+ years of experience in Web development.
- Strong HTML + CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI
- Three.js, Babylon.js, Pixi.js, Phaser, PlayCanvas, D3.js Shader/GLSL
- Node.js, express, hapi, Nest
- React, Redux, React Hooks, Next, React Native
- Vue, Vuex, Vite, Vuetify, Vuetify
- Angular, Angualr(2+), Route, NgModules, RxJS
- Apollo, GraphQL, Firebase
- MongoDB, mongoose, postgreSQL, MySQL
- Codeigniter, Laravel
- Restful, API integration, headless
- Socket programming, socket.io, websocket
- AWS services, Git, Bitbucket
- Jira, Agile

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Web Animations

I'm very proficient in Web Animation development as I have got an artistic eye for design.
- Pure CSS animation
- 3D Animation with Three.js and WebGL
- Graphic animation with Canvas
- SVG graphic animation design
- parallx scroll animation
- ParticlesJS, GreenSockJS and so on.

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Blockchain  Development

I have been working as a Blockchain developer for 4 years.
Mostly work as a Blockchain Fronend Developer.
- React + Web3JS, React + EthersJS
- Smart Contract, Solidity, Rust
- Ethereum, Solana
- NFT mint, NFT marketplace
- Discord & Telegram NFT Bot
- Binance, Cryptocurrency

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ChartGPT  Development

I have been working as a ChatGPT for 4 years.
Mostly work as a ChatGPT and Fronend Developer.
- OpenAP + Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Pinecone , VectorDB

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My Hourly Rates

Front-End Development

  • FrontEnd
  • 3D animation
  • Web3

Web & Mobile Frontend Development, Smart Contract ABI integration, 2D & 3D Animation Development

$35 - $40

Backend Development

  • Backend API
  • DB design
  • Bot Development

NodeJS Backend Development, Database Design and Optimization

$35 - $45

Blockchain Development

  • Smart Contract
  • NFT minting & marketplace
  • NFT & Trading Bot

Ethereum & Solana, Solidity and Rust, NFT minting & marketplace, Trading & NFT Bot

$40 - $50
P r e v i o u s   W o r k s

Full Time Availability